Statistics, compiled by the charity Shelter, suggest that in 2024 around 16,500 people were homeless across Greater Manchester; the problem of unhoused people is most acute in the city of Manchester where Shelter says over 9,000 people do not have an address and are sleeping rough, 4,326 of them children.
This is the kind of terrible statistic that spurred Ihtishaam (Ihti) Mahmood, our Contracts Manager, to take action to help.
Ihti spent an afternoon and evening supporting Helping Hands. The Helping Hands charity has a base in Oldham and Rochdale and aims to give practical help to those without homes and in need around the surrounding areas.
“I wanted to help out with their programme to provide food and distribute winter packs which contained essential items,” says Ihti. “We did this in Manchester Piccadilly and it was a truly rewarding experience talking to the people who came along for support. I’m so glad I had the chance to be part of it.”